After you’ve placed your order, we send you a proforma invoice. Your items will be reserved for 20 days.
Please indicate your customer number as well as your order number as the purpose of the transfer so that your payment can be assigned. Payments to be made via bank transfer to:
IBAN: AT581513000281464578
Beneficiary: Conrad Electronic International GmbH & Co KG
Bank name: Oberbank Wels
Bank address: Ringstrasse 37, 4600 Wels, Austria
Account No: 281-4645/78
Sort Code: 15130
You agree to pay any transaction fees levied by your bank (if applicable).
If we do not receive your payment within 7 days, your order will be canceled.
When making a payment please choose the “EU transfer” option, to avoid bank charges otherwise incurred. Your order dispatches as soon as your payment has been received.